Sunday, July 26, 2009

Where'd the romance of summer go

Why aren't I receiving calls late into dusk asking to jump off piers.
Sitting off of over passes with singes prompting unity, love, and self sucking.
Trespassing marriotts.
Bike rides threw Capo Beach.

Why is Camino las Ramblas not being bent like beckham?

Why are band rooms left empty
Why do my ears not have a constant ring.

Red Bulls and Tall Boys are left full and un-consumed.

Why aren't there a dozen kids glowing green in the ocean
at the darkest part of night in their underwear?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Don't go belly up.

General Idea:
Catch the overly abundant June Bug.
Freeze (cold blooded, come back from the crypt)
Tie, or glue string.
they wake, you got a bouquet of bugs.

sobering truth. they're mortal.

Now i have no more dental floss.
and June bug genocide on my conscience.

Monday, July 13, 2009

the dismantlement

my dogs sleeping

habits : frequent.

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Sunday, July 5, 2009